Exhibitions by Pavel Leonov
Personal exhibitions:
“On Earth, in Heaven and at Sea «, «Dar» Gallery, Moscow, 1996.» Zhiv» Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997; «Pavel Leonov. Legends and Myths of the Country of Soviets», the Museum and Exhibition Center «Istoki», Moscow, 1997. Two artists from Russia. Pavel Leonov and Vasily Romanenkov. Gallery “Hamer”, Amsterdam, 1998. “I do not Know Another Such Country”, Gallery “Dar”, Moscow, 1999; Insita 2000, Sixth Triennial of Naive Art. Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, 2000; «0utsider and visionary art» in «0rleans House Gallery», Riverside, Twickenham, (UK) 2001; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 2005. A stand dedicated to Leonov at the Art-Moscow Fair, 2008; “Pavel Leonov from the Collection of Kseniya Bogemskaya and Aleksei Turchin”, “Rosa Azora” Gallery, Moscow, 2010; «Painting by Pavel Leonov from the collection of K.G. Bogemskaya.» Department of Personal Collections of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2011; «Drawings of Leonov», «Rosa Azora» Gallery, 2013; «Artist Pavel Leonov», Collection Art Gallery DiDi, St. Petersburg, 2017.
Jubilee exhibition of Extramural People’s University of Arts (ZhNUI). Moscow, 1970; 50 years of Extramural People’s University of Arts (ZhNUI). Podolsk, 1983. Naifs sovietiques, 1988, (France). From Naive Art, Moscow, 1991; Golden Dream. Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, 1992; Naive Art of Russia. 1997; Wisdom with Naive Eyes, 1997; Insita 97 - First Prize. New Arrivals, Museum of Charlotte Zander, Bönigheim (Germany), 1998; Naive Art of Russia from the collection of Ksenia Bogemskaya and Aleksei Turchin. Exhibition Hall «The Ark», Moscow, 1998. Pushkin’s Images ... Moscow, 1998, Erste Begegnung ..., (Germany), 1999; The prize of Switzerland and the prize of Europe. Gallery «Pro Arte» Casper, Morges, Switzerland. 1999. Award of the Best Pioneer (First-time Participant); The prize of Switzerland and the Prize of Europe. Gallery «Pro Arte» Casper, Morges, (Switzerland). 2000. The first prize - Paradise Apples. Images of the Ideal World in the visual arts and folklore. The Tsaritsyno Museum, 2000; INSITA ‘2004, Festnaiv-07. Anniversary exhibition «70 years of ZNUI». All-Russian Museum of Folk and Decorative Art, Moscow, 2005; Festnaiv-2007; “Folk talents of Russia. Painting, drawing and arts and crafts of students and graduates of Extramural People’s University of Arts (ZNUI), Belyaevo Exhibition Hall, Moscow, 2009; Festnaiv 2010, «Artists who Naively Saw the Life Around Them», from the MOC collection in the Vasilyev Theater, Moscow, November-December 2012; “Museum of Everything”, Garage Center, Moscow, 2013; “20 Years of Raw Vision Magazine”, Halle Saint Pierre, Paris, France, 2013; «The game of the circus», MMS; 2014; Stadshoff collection exhibition. Halle Saint Peirre, Paris, France 2014; “Artists Who Naively Saw the World” Exposition at the Museum of Tradition, Kolomna, since 2015; «That’s Pushkin» Museum of Naive Art, Moscow, 2015; Peace of Harmony and Balance. Contemporary Folk Culture”, Moscow, Belyaevo Gallery, 2016; «Iv.Naive.» Center for Culture and Art, Ivanovo, 2016; “Museum of Folk Painting. Collection of Vladimir Moroz. Central House of Artists, Moscow, 2016; «Eternal Values» (collection of Pomeshchikov). From the collection of the Museum-Preserve Tsaritsyno, VDNKH, Moscow, 2016; “Naive.No». Moscow MOMA, Moscow; 2017. «Golota». Museum of Russian Lubok and Naive Art, Moscow; 2017
Tsaritsyno Museum, Museum of Organic Culture, Kolomna; the Ivanovo Art Museum, the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Preserve; the Museum of Naive Art, Russian National House of Folk and Amateur Art (GRDNT); Museum of Charlotte Zander, Bönigheim, Germany. The Stadthhof Museum of Zwolle, Holland.
N. Shkarovskaya, People’s Amateur Art, L., 1975; O. Baldina, The Second Call, M., 1983; World Encyclopedia of Naive Art, pp. 387-388; Yu. Aksenov, M. Levidov. Color and Line. A Practical Guide to Drawing and Painting. M., Soviet Artist, 1986; Le catalogue de I’exposition. Internationale de I’Imaginaire. Regards sur I’URSS. Paris, 1988; 0. Dyakonitsyna, People’s Festival of Paintings by P. Leonov / Young Artist, 1995, 11-12; Insita 97. Catalogue. Slovak National Gallery. International Exhibition of lnsite Art. Bratislava, 1997; 0. Dyakonitsyna, Artist Pavel Leonov / Folk Art. No. 1, 1997; Amateur art in the USSR. Memoirs. The late 1950’s - the early 1990’s. State Institute of Art Studies, St. Petersburg, 1999; Pavel Leonov. Catalogue / Comp. by K. Bogemskaya /, M., 1999; Aleksei Turchin. Pavel Petrovich Leonov / L’Arte Naive Magazine, Reggio Emilia, No. 62,1999; James Young, A Fool’s Paradise // Raw Vision Magazine, Paris - London - New York, No. 28, 1999; Introduction to Russian Naive Art. Exhibition Catalogue. Museum Charlotte Zander. 1999; Naive Artists of Russia: Pavel Leonov, M., 1999. 0. Dyakonitsyna, Pavel Leonov as the Master of the Plot Genre and the Social Utopia of the 20th century // Philosophy of Naivety, M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 2001; K. Bogemskaya, Naive Art. Pavel Leonov, St. Petersburg., «Dmitry Bulanin». 2005; Pavel Leonov. Painting, Moscow, 2005. Soviet Naive Art. Introductory article by K. Bogemskaya. M.: Publishing Program INTERROS, 2008.