Natta Konysheva

Natta I. Konysheva (1935/Moscow) - the artist of naive art.

Konysheva Natta I. was born in Moscow. She finished school with a gold medal. In 1953 - 1959, she studied at Moscow Teacher Training Institute (first at the Technological, then the Art-Graphic Faculties). In 1958 – 1961, she worked in an art studio under the supervision of E. Belyutin. In the 1960s - 1970s, she dealt with industrial drawing, illustrated and designed books for publishing houses “Sovetskiy Pisatel’ (Soviet Writer)”, Geografiz, Altai Book Publishing House. Since 1965, she has been participating in exhibitions. She started with participation in apartment exhibitions and rare semi-official shows on large areas.

Since 1973, Nata Konysheva is a member of the USSR Union of Artists. In 1974, she joined the Moscow Union of Artists. A Member of the Creative Association of Women Artists «IRIDA», the winner of the Main Prize of the Spring Salon - 98, was awarded the Medal of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in 2000. Now the artist lives in Moscow and considers the method of her work as “reportage with an element of miracles”.

Natta Konysheva. Exhibitions